Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Author: N.T. Wright

Type: Theology

Shepnerd Rating: 4 stars

I bought this book by N.T. Wright because of his close working relationship with Marcus Borg, whose work I respect tremendously. I was surprised to find a very different voice. The book is much more lyrical (and misses some of the "plain common sense" I enjoy from Borg), and yet intelligent and stunning.

It's a little stuffy sometimes, but profound and uplifting none-the-less. It seeks to answer the questions: why do we crave justice? Why do we desire spirituality? Why do we need beauty. It refers all of that the the echo of God in the world calling the church, the bible and Christians to a high level of living and being. There is a critique of modern culture and Christians who abuse the authority of Christ. There is a pathway for reclaiming the true power of Christianity and bringing justice, faith and beauty back to our world. An excellent, softly-spoken vision of the way things are, and the way they ought to be.

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